Posts in Universal Solution
A Letter to The United Nations

We urge you to consider the following points supported by empirical evidence that prove differences and separation are more like an illusion and not facts of life.

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A Letter to Weapon Manufactures - Empathy Through Empirical Evidence

It's crucial to acknowledge that your current production of weapons may unknowingly contribute to your own future suffering. It's imperative to understand that the belief that harming others does not concern you is based on an incorrect and invalid understanding of reality.

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The Cosmic Tapestry: Unity in Diversity

In contemplating this cosmic heritage, a profound realization dawns — the sameness of ingredients and identical origin coursing through every living being on Earth. The essence that flows through the veins of a towering oak, a graceful deer, or a contemplative human is intricately entwined.

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Our Shared Origin: The Key to Unlimited Joy, Equality, Prosperity, and World Peace

Recognizing the undeniable facts of life that show our sameness and non-dualistic origin compels us to action. The certainty that all living beings are identical in their origin to me and only differ in the mind’s labels compels us to be a part of global positive change.

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Peace Booster iOS APP is in the Beta phase.

We are pleased to announce a release of The Peace Booster an iOS app. This app will change the way people perceive and understand potential and existing conflicts and wars, as it is proven that all wars are wars against ourselves. Additionally, this app helps end racism, hatred, police brutality, climate change, exploitation, sexism, depression, mental illness, and countless other human negativities.

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Overcoming PTSD to Feel Whole and Happy Again.

The process of helping veterans manage and reduce the symptoms of PTSD must be handled delicately yet purposefully, however it takes small steps in the right direction to have the most impact and produce the most unexpected results.

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Would You Like to Finally Put an End to All Current and Future Conflicts and Wars?

The Universal Space Station Crypto Pilot NFT where peace and respect will be normalized as any negative action agains others will be seen as a direct action against oneself. This VR Platform reveals the incorrect perception of the human senses. This is a key opportunity to permanently end all human-made conflicts as wars will end in mere minutes and will be made unthinkable in the future.

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If We Have the Right to Self-defense, Where is the Self that Needs Defending?

Life without this inborn ignorance would be always in perfect harmony and happiness with all life forms, aren’t we ready for this happiness yet?

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Ending Antisemitism is Easy, But Not the Way Most Think.

By simply analyzing our own senses, we find that valid anti-semitism never existed and It was never caused by prejudice, hated, racism, etc. The true cause for anti-semitism has always been the deception of our senses since the beginning of time.

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Hidden Dangers to Israeli Soldiers and Palestinians and What They Should Know to Protect Themselves

As each Israeli soldier is a part of ourselves too, we must do all we can to help them free themselves from this path of self-destruction.

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Is it Possible that White and Black People Exist Without Different Selves?

White and Black people share the same existence. If you can disprove this fact, you could win up to $11K. Official contest rules are at the end of this article.

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The Unknown and Hidden Risk to all Gun Owners, and What you Should Know to Protect Yourself.

There is a hidden risk to gun ownership and usage that our current understanding can't even fully grasp. The risk is hidden from us because our senses distort everything we know about ourselves and others.

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إنهاء الحروب بأسهل الطرق - Wisdom Over Wars
يقدم تطبيق الحكمة تغلب الحروب (WOW) طريقة ثورية لحل المشكلات والتي ستضع نهاية دائمة لجميع المشاكل والمعاناة من صنع البشر
يبدو إنه ما في أيّ طريقة لحل المشكلات ممكن تقضي على الحروب اللّي بتصير على الأرض، بس هادا التطبيق ممكن يغيّر كل إشي
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אין דרך קלה יותר למגר מלחמות - Wisdom Over Wars

להביא שלום ואחדות לעם הישראלי והפלסטיני זה פשוט כמו לקחת תמונה

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