Hidden Dangers to Israeli Soldiers and Palestinians and What They Should Know to Protect Themselves


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help Israeli soldiers avoid deadly conditions for themselves, please make this information available to them.

Serious Dangers are Hidden from Israeli Soldiers Because their Senses Distort Everything they Experience.

Currently, Israeli soldiers, like everyone else in the world, experience themselves as separate and different from everyone around them. However, this perception, and experience, are 100% contradictory to irrefutable facts of life. Most humans (99% of them) are unfamiliar with facts of how everyone exists, and simple science and logic can explain. The first insight into how everyone exists, which maybe the most compelling scientific discovery ever was made by Nāgārjuna (c. 150 – c. 250 CE). He made the insight public 1900 years ago by showing that the universal human experience and belief in separate and different existences are faulty. Based on our sensory experiences, humans experience and believe that each of us exists as a self possessing our own essence (self) that makes us who we are. Consequently, we assume everyone else must possess an essence that is different from ours; however, facts of life prove this wrong and demonstrate the horrors of this ignorance. The reason we are identical to each other is the fact that everyone's essence is identical to everyone else. Let's break it down: All physical forms (human bodies) and their parts are products of carbon, nitrogen, calcium, oxygen, phosphorous, hydrogen, adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine and their essence. Thus, the body is not a singular entity and has no essence of its own, but of what produced it (the countless parts). And our mind, which is a perpetually unfolding stream of consciousness that perceives, feels, and thinks is also a product of the previous moment of the mind. No event or moment of the mind is one unproduced or unchanging thing and thus has no permanent essence of its own either. Or, do you know yourself to be some other permanent singular self that is different and unrelated to the body and previous monet of the mind?

Since each of us is not a singular being and a product of the same parts and their essence, we possess no essence of our own, we are identical, we are without different selves. Mr. Nāgārjuna validates beyond a doubt that any human conflict is the greatest folly because humans exist without different essences (self), thus all wars are against ourselves. Currently, our senses can't perceive this truth accurately unless we learn about this and recognize it for ourselves. So even though it may appear to an Israeli soldier that he is serving his country's righteous cause by policing and shooting at Palestinians, he is actually harming himself and his country in ways he cannot fathom. He may believe that his actions are without consequence to him, but that is simply a mark of ignorance. Since all humans exist without their own essence (self), there is never anybody else to experience the results of our actions but ourselves. There is no way to escape the consequences; it is impossible.

To recapture the facts: 

Our ingrained false conviction that every human possesses a different essence from ours is as old as life itself. If any human possessed a different essence, this person should be a single permanent entity that is not a product of something else. However, what we call a person is a collection of physical parts of carbon, nitrogen, calcium, oxygen, phosphorous, hydrogen, adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine. The nonphysical aspect is called the mind. It is a perpetually unfolding stream of consciousness that perceives, feels, and thinks is also a product of the previous moment of the mind. No event or moment of the mind is one unproduced or unchanging moment and thus has no permanent essence of its own either. No person produces himself but is a product of countless parts and the continuum of the previous moment of the mind, thus everyone is identical to everyone else. 

Yet our experiences of each other are the opposite of this obvious fact. Our senses perceive and experience everyone as a different self which is contradictory to reality.

Therefore, It Is Apparent That Our Senses Trick Us By Showing Us That Humans Possess A Self When In Reality, We Don't. This Faulty Perception Is Due To Our Unfamiliarity with How Everything Exists And Our Mind's Belief In Labels. 

We believe that what we see and experience is true, however, facts of life supported by science and common-sense logic prove that neither Israelis nor Palestinians possess any different essence, they are identical. The only difference between humans lies in labels: "Israeli" and "Palestinian." We give names to everything for the sake of convenience. So, yes, in name, there are Israelis and Palestinians, yet they exist without any different essence (self). If you were to remove the names from what you perceive, including yourself, just for a second, you would see that all living beings are part of one whole. Our mind's belief in labels such as "Israeli" and "Palestinian" are so powerful that they wrap everything in a blanket of singularity, causing us to experience everything as separate and different, which is the opposite of the truth of how everyone exists.

If you want to help Israeli soldiers and Palestinians avoid creating adverse and deadly conditions for themselves, please make this information available to them. You may also share this app with them: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details...

As each Israeli soldier and Palestinian person is ourselves, we must do all we can to help them free themselves from this path of self-destruction.

Special thanks to Daniel de la Vega & Alexandra Sullivan for editorial work.