The Unknown and Hidden Risk to all Gun Owners, and What you Should Know to Protect Yourself.

Our senses put us at risk.

Shouldn't the gun manufacturers tell us about it?

Here's a known yet hidden risk to all gun owners, and how you should protect yourself.

Most gun owners are unaware of a single fact of life that poses a direct threat to their well-being. They don't know it because it is currently hidden from their senses. Most of us never consider the possibility that our senses could be incorrectly showing us how we and others exist. We never suspect that our senses could be distorting our experience and everything we know about ourselves and others. Yet, the irrefutable facts of life prove our incuriosity about our senses is deadly. There is one good news, we can help ourselves by signing a petition to force all gun manufacturers and gun stores to inform us about this fact beforehand.

Most of us believe gun ownership is a necessary right because it allows us to protect ourselves against others we feel are posing a threat. However, what if we and those we believe may harm us actually did not exist the way our senses told us? What if the way we perceive ourselves and others were actually opposite to the facts of how everyone exists? What if the facts clearly showed us that everyone shares the same existence with us? At first, this may seem so far-fetched, but if we consider life's facts, we may discover their infallibility and see for ourselves how deceptive our senses have been our whole life.

You may think it is illogical and outrageous to consider that we are more related than brothers and sisters, right? But, if you were to test your senses, you would realize how you have actively and unconsciously misguided yourself, and your current experience of yourself and others as different selves is a sign of ignorance you are not even aware of.

Here is how you can test your senses. For a person to possess their own self, this person needs to be:

(1) a singular being

(2) not composed of something else

(3) able to exist as a person without our mind's label of "person".

However, no person, regardless of gender or race fulfills any of the 3 qualities because:

(1) All humans are not singular beings, they are made of parts and halves and thus, cannot be considered singular except in the concept of "singular".

(2) Humans cannot produce themselves, they are a product of everything else and their essence, thus they possess no essence of their own. Therefore, everyone is a product of something else, thus there is no difference between anybody because everyone is a product of something else and not their own.

(3) Finally, what exists is a body and mind but not a person. The body and mind are not a person, not until our mind names them a "person" and believes in this label. Therefore, what exists is without its own self, and is merely labeled "person" by our minds.

By seeing the facts of how everyone exists it's obvious that people don't exist the way we experience them and assume they do. Humans exist without a self because they are full of everything else (what produced them) and their essence, thus we are identical as no one has any essence of their own. No one possesses even one atom or moment of the mind that is her/his own without the mind's label "this is mine".

So, no person possesses a self because they are full of everything else which is how everyone else exists. However, our senses perceive this fact inaccurately. We perceive everyone as possessing their own selves that appear to be different from ours. This kind of perception, experience, and belief is 100% opposite to the facts of how everyone exists.

This is a fact of life that our senses have distorted for a very long time.

So Knowing The Facts Makes The Act Of Using A Gun Or Getting A Gun To Protect Ourselves Very Strange And Illogical Because Persons Don't Have Different Serlves From Our Own, Thus Any Action Against Another Is An Action Against Ourselves.

Shouldn't you be aware of all of this as a current gun owner or before you decide to become one? All gun manufacturers and gun stores must inform all their customers of these facts.

These facts of life can't be disproven by science or logic, and our ignorance of them puts us at risk. Thus, isn't it important to be aware of this as a current gun owner or if you decide to become one?

Sign this petition today to make sure every future and current gun owner knows the truth. Please sign this petition today.

Big thanks to Alexandra Sullivan, the editor.