Is it Possible that White and Black People Exist Without Different Selves?


Black or White?

It’s not as simple as our senses tell us it is.

The truth of how everything exists that is currently obstructed by our senses undeniably proves that all people regardless of race, sex, religion, philosophy, etc are more closely related than we experience them. We constantly feel unsafe and threatened by people especially those who look different than us, but is this insecurity grounded in reality or our imagination?

Since 200AD, it has been known that those we perceive as others actually don't possess a different self than ours, and only exist as "others" because of our mind's label of "others". This fact is based on an important insight into how everyone exists that can be explained with basic science and logic, yet most people never heard of this due to the wide deception still unrecognized by most, and often misunderstood by those who tried.

You may think it is illogical and outrageous to consider that we are more related than brothers and sisters, right? But, if you were to test your senses, you would realize how you have actively and unconsciously misguided yourself, and your current experience of yourself and others as different selves is a sign of ignorance you are not even aware of. 

Here is how you can test your senses. For a person to possess their own self, this person needs to be:

(1) a singular being

(2) not a product of something else

(3) able to exist as a person without the label of "person".

However, no Black or White person (or any other) fulfills any of the 3 qualities because:

(1) All human aspects of the physical and non-physical are made of parts and halves and thus, cannot be considered singular entities.

(2) Humans cannot produce themselves, they are a product of everything else and their essence, thus they possess no essence of their own.

(3) Finally, what exists is a body and mind but not a person, these parts are not a person, not until our mind names them a "person" and believes in this label. Therefore, what exists is without its own self because it is full of everything else, and its essence, and is merely labeled "person" by our minds.

By seeing the facts of how everyone exists it's obvious that people don't exist the way we experience them and assume they do. Humans exist without a self because they are full of everything else and their essence, thus we are identical as no one has any essence of their own. No one possesses even one atom or moment of the mind that is her/his own without the mind's label "this is mine".

The order in which our minds unconsciously create the current experience of myself and others as two selves goes like this.

First, our minds perceive bundles of physical parts. Second, our minds label them as "me" and "another" and accept them as facts. This process happens in less than a second. However, we are ignorant of the fact that these bodies (bundles of physical parts) are not one entity and without any essence of their own because they are composites of something else and their essence. Therefore, they can't have any self that is different from anybody. Like all things, we are all identical to everything else. So, our mind's labels are meant to be used for convenience's sake, but combined with our unawareness of how everything exists, we invent divisions and separations where there are none. It does not take much intellect to understand that this is the root cause of all human problems and suffering.

So, the next time you perceive yourself and others, keep in mind you and everyone else don't exist the way they appear to you. Their body and mind and your body and mind are without any essence of their own, therefore to see them and experience them as two different selves is contradictory to the facts of how everyone exists. Your own unknowing made this appearance so inaccurate, and all the problems and suffering that come from it.

Throughout much of history, our senses have been misguided, harming ourselves as a result. Therefore, treating Black or White people (and all other races, sexes, orientations, etc) as if they possessed their own selves different from yours is contradictory to how everyone exists. To say we are any less than brothers and sisters is baseless, ungrounded, and illogical as we are all the same. These are the facts of life that cannot be refuted by science or logic.

We challenge you to disprove these facts.

Contest Rules:

If you can provide evidence that a person possessing their own-self exists, you’ll be the first person in the world to do so.

A person possessing her/his own-self must be:

1. Singular entity (no parts or halves)

2. Able to self-produce (not produced or caused)

3. Not needing the name/label of "person" to exist as a person

If you can demonstrate that all 3 points are true about any person, you’ll be the first person in the world to do so.

As a prize, with your agreement, we will publish an article on our website and social media outlets about you and how you have accomplished this task.

For further investigation please try this free IOS app, Good luck. Vast Self reserves the right to terminate this contest at any time without notice.

Big thanks to Alexandra Sullivan for her help with this text