The Peace Booster App – Reveals What is Hidden from our Senses Causes Unhappiness, Conflict and War.
We are excited to announce the release of The Peace Booster, a free Android app designed to change how people perceive and understand themselves and others. By revealing that our experience of self and others contradicts irrefutable facts about the nature of existence, this app restores inner peace, ends fear, anxiety and conflicts instantly, and makes future wars unthinkable.
Most people believe that adversity, conflict, and war are inevitable aspects of the human experience. However, the *Peace Booster* app uncovers a single, little-known truth about human existence that proves otherwise: all conflicts and wars are not against others but against ourselves that only appear as others to our distorting senses.
This app provides unbiased, science-based, and logical explanations of the nature of existence. By understanding these facts, users can realize that the very foundation of conflict is built on an illusion of me and others as different and separate—an illusion that can be dismantled through simple awareness. Once this truth is recognized, stopping conflicts and wars becomes a universal priority, one that transcends race gender, nationality, and other superficial and imaginary divisions.
Wars and conflicts are not external events—they are manifestations of our internal misunderstandings. The app makes it clear that what we perceive as an enemy is, in truth, another aspect of ourselves. This understanding eliminates the basis for conflict by showing that the victim and the victimizer are not two separate entities; they are one and the same. In this way, all wars are ultimately wars against ourselves. By exposing the illusion of separation, the app transforms how we view others. The idea that we are fighting against others is revealed as false, and the very concept of war becomes unthinkable. Future conflicts are rendered impossible when we recognize that everyone we consider an opponent is, in fact, us.
The key to ending all human conflict lies in this fundamental truth: there is no separate or different self outside of what appears to be "me." All people are composed of the same universe; physical and non-physical elements and their essence, no person possesses a unique, independent self that is different from anyone else. This means that everyone’s self is identically selfless, regardless of how we appear to our senses. Even the apparent disparities—such as skin tone, eye color, or the shape of our cheekbones—are simply fleeting ripples in the infinite ocean of existence. These traits do not belong to us; they are expressions of the universe, they belong to the whole of existence momentarily manifested through countless forms that our minds label as “us” or “them.” Once we understand that all people are identical in essence—products of the same external universal nature—the reasons for war dissolve. Hatred and distrust lose their power, and the divisions created by our minds are exposed as illusions.
This realization offers a universal solution to all conflicts, whether based on race, gender, religion, nationality, or any other label. By understanding the facts of existence, we become unified in purpose, and peace, compassion, and justice become not only possible but inevitable.
The *Peace Booster* app shows that our existence has no center, no fixed individuality, and no edge that separates us from those we label "enemies." We are all part of the same universal process of life, without inherent differences. When this truth is embraced, it opens the door to world peace, universal justice, and lasting happiness.
This app provides the opportunity for all of humanity to recognize its shared essence and end conflict once and for all. The facts about our existence make peace, happiness, and prosperity attainable for everyone. It is up to us to embrace this truth and make it a reality, or to ignore it and continue living in a state of conflict and dissatisfaction. The choice is ours.
Get the free app The Peace Booster here: Google Play
Special thanks to for developing this app.
Editor Alexandra Sullivan
Read more about what the Peace Booster App is based on: taken from this in-depth article.
The Illusion of Separate Selves
Most people perceive themselves and others as unique, independent entities—individual selves with distinct identities. Israelis and Palestinians, Russians and Ukrainians, like all people, believe they possess an essence that makes them different from one another. This belief is reinforced by physical appearances, experiences, cultural identities, and societal labels. However, this perception is a deception created by our senses, fueled by ignorance of how everyone truly exists. The truth is that no human being exists as an independent, singular entity the way they appear to our senses.
Our bodies and minds are not composed of a permanent, unchanging essence—some kind of individual self that is uniquely "me" and thus different and separate from all others and existence itself. Instead, they are made up of an infinite number of ever-smaller physical and nonphysical parts. Neither the whole body, the mind, nor any part of them is one entity full of its own essence. What is not one entity has no individual or unique essence or separate nature capable of generating itself, as it was produced by an infinite number of ever-smaller particles. No atom, quark, human body, or mind is one entity with an independent nature capable of producing itself—rather, everything is full of universal nature and essence.
Just as our bodies are made of atoms—carbon, nitrogen, calcium, and so on—our minds are made of fleeting moments of perception, thought, and feeling. No moment of the mind is one standalone moment either, but a product of the previous infinite number of ever-shorter moments of consciousness. There is no fixed "self" that endures over time or is of a different essence from what produced it. This continuous flow of experiences and elements is constantly changing, and it belongs not to an independent self but to the whole universe that produces and lives through the endless forms our minds label "me," "them," "universe," "humans," "animals," and so on. Facts of existence reveal that no single entity possesses any individual nature capable of self-generation. Everyone's nature is identical to the universal nature and essence. We wrongly believe that the cause producing us (the universal nature) is different from the effect (us), but the cause and effect are one and the same—only differing in our mind's labels of "cause," "effect," "me," "universe," etc.
The Science of Interconnectedness and Sameness.
Scientifically, we know that all life shares a common origin because no one can generate themselves, and no part—no matter how large or small—can either. The elements that make up our bodies today have existed for billions of years, forming the first cells and evolving through countless forms of life. They are life itself, perpetually unfolding from moment to moment. These same elements have been the DNA and bodies of plants, animals, and people long before they were labeled "Israeli," "Palestinian," or any other superficial identity. The idea of distinct, independent selves is merely an invention of our minds—a social convention, a mental construct, a label that exists only in our minds and not in reality.
Labels like "Israeli," "Palestinian," "Russian," or "Ukrainian" are not part of our physical or psychological reality. They are invented by the mind and projected onto selfless existence, incorrectly believed to be facts apart from our mind. The body parts and minds of people are real, but they are not inherently Israeli, Palestinian, Russian, or Ukrainian without our minds projecting and believing in these labels as facts apart from reality. These labels and our blind belief in them create the illusion of separation, which leads to conflict, insecurity, fear, hatred, and war. Yet, when we examine the nature of existence closely, we find that all differences are relative to our knowledge and understanding, and thus superficial and inaccurate because we are all fundamentally the same universal selves without a trace of inherent difference. We are all products of the same universal nature—not apart from it—and therefore there is no essential difference between anyone or anything.
The Role of Labels in Creating Conflict.
The conflicts between Israelis and Palestinians, and Russians and Ukrainians—like all human conflicts—arise from our unfamiliarity with our identical universal nature and the mistaken belief in the reality of labels. We treat others as different and separate because we believe in the labels we assign to them. However, these labels are not based on reality. The body and mind of a person labeled "Israeli" are identical in essence to those labeled "Palestinian." The only difference lies in the concepts created by the mind and our ignorant belief in them as facts—nothing more.
This ignorance of our true nature (nondualistic) leads to endless dissatisfaction and suffering. We fabricate divisions between ourselves and others, based on our mind’s concepts. These baseless and imagined divisions give rise to war, hatred, and dissatisfaction in our minds only. In truth, all conflict between people is conflict against oneself that only appears as "other" because of our own ignorance of our true nature and labels. The victim and the victimizer are not two separate entities; they are the same. When we engage in conflict, we are fighting against ourselves—against our shared, universal nature.