Vast Self’s mission is to improve the lives of humans, animals, and the environment. By sharing the non-dualistic facts of interconnectedness, we aim to make lasting world peace, universal justice, and genuine happiness attainable for everyone—effortlessly and permanently.

A letter to the President of United States.

Please remember that irrefutable and unbiased science and logic prove there are no others but you on the current battlefields of war. Isn’t it time to save yourself? We are here to help and provide you with everything you need to make this happen.

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Peace Booster iOS APP is in the Beta phase.

We are pleased to announce a release of The Peace Booster an iOS app. This app will change the way people perceive and understand potential and existing conflicts and wars, as it is proven that all wars are wars against ourselves. Additionally, this app helps end racism, hatred, police brutality, climate change, exploitation, sexism, depression, mental illness, and countless other human negativities.

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One False Belief Creates Every Single Problem in the World.

Nothing in nature exists as a single self-generated entity that may claim to have a unique permanent essence that has always been them, yet humans think otherwise, and thus all types of unhappiness, absence of peace, and disappointments follow them like a shaadow. Isn't time we recognize facts of life that can set us free?

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