Is it Possible that White and Black People Exist Without Different Selves?


Black or White?

It’s not as simple as our senses tell us.

At first glance, the world appears teeming with diversity of sizes and colors. Yet, the overlooked and unbiased facts about everyone's essence and origin contradict the appearances. A correct understanding of facts about the true nature of our existence vs. how everyone appears to exist offers a transformative understanding of universal truths that can lead us to unprecedented harmony, world peace, prosperity, and happiness. Join us on this transformative journey.

Our unawareness of our true nature makes us feel insecure, unsafe, and threatened by people especially those who look different than us, but is this insecurity grounded in reality or our imagination?

The empirical evidence that we're sharing with you proves that all people regardless of race, gender, sex, religion, philosophy, etc are identical and more closely related than the everyday experience tells us. In fact, not only are we identical but we are literally one unbroken organism.

What you may find even more surprising is that these irrefutable and unbiased facts were first discovered circa 200AD, and ever since then, they demonstrated, that those we perceive and experience as others actually don't possess a different self than us, and only exist as "others" because our mind's label of "others" is projected outwardly and believed as fact.

You may think it is illogical or even outrageous to consider that we are more related than brothers and sisters, right? But, if you were to take a minute and test your senses (see below), you would recognize empirical evidence as facts and imagination as imagination.

Here is how you can test your senses to see what is real:

For a genuine claim of a unique and independent self, a person must possess three important qualities, the self must be:

(1) one permanent thing.

(2) not a product of something else, but self-generated

(3) able to exist as a person without the mind's label of "person".

However, no Black or White person (or any other) fulfills any of the 3 qualities because:

(1) All physical bodies and non-physical minds are not one entity or event. From the smallest quarks and atoms to the grandeur of our minds, we discover an ever-changing composite shaped by countless converging particles governed by the entire existence. This applies to our minds, the nonphysical aspect shared by all living beings, where each moment of consciousness is a product of preceding moments, forming a continuous flow, a constantly unfolding event. This realization challenges the common belief in a permanent singular person or an unchanging singular soul, as there is no permanent owner separate from the ever-changing body and mind. Since neither the body nor the mind is one entity, it is incorrect to treat them as one. The concept of "one" is an idea, a product of our mind that has no real counterpart in reality as no person or thing is one entity anywhere. We will provide more explanation about the function of our minds in creating, projecting, and believing in labels later.

(2) Humans are produced by everything else and cannot produce themselves. Not a single being possesses a unique nature that can independently bring their bodies and minds into existence; everyone is a product of everything else, the whole existence, and thus not different from it or each other. Therefore everyone possesses the same essence of everything else (the universe), the whole, and not some unique and independent essence that may be different from anything we may wrongly imagine that we do. This raises a crucial question: what produced all these bodies and lives in this moment of consciousness? Are there many beings living, or is it one universal being living through countless physical manifestations?

A profound realization emerges as we acknowledge that every human and animal too is an expression of the same entirety—the universal mind, let's call it, that shapes the countless causes and conditions that produce the countless forms of DNA, bodies and the flow of consciousness. Science and logic demonstrate that no living being can generate themselves, as none possess a nature that could; instead, the whole produces every living being. Stripping away labels our minds invent, project, and believe in reveals an undeniable sameness. Without these labels, there is no inherent difference between any living being. Our shared origin, mostly overlooked for millennia, becomes a scientifically and logically supported fact. Unlike ancient languages of religious texts and less advanced science, today’s knowledge unveils the oneness of all life. It is a simple and unbiased truth about everybody and the whole of life that no one can refute. Even the apparent disparities—such as skin tone, eye color, or the shape of our cheekbones—are simply fleeting ripples in the infinite ocean of existence. These traits do not belong to us; they are expressions of the universe, they belong to the whole of existence momentarily manifested through countless forms that our minds label as “us” or “them.”

(3) People don't exist as persons without the mind's label of "person". Let's clarify that statement and expose the elusive role of our minds in creating this peculiar illusion of multiplicity of persons. The point is our mind and its propensity to invent labels, project them, and believe them to be facts is extremely crucial to recognize. The first two points demonstrated that who exists (body + mind) is a product of the whole existence and thus not different from it, or anybody else. However, our unfamiliarity with how everything exists and our mind's labeling distorts our perception and understanding of this fact. Our mind labels "human" what is identical to what our mind labels "the whole existence" or "the universe". So the only difference between anything exists in labels only, our mind's concepts. The same happens between people, our mind's labels "black" or "white" don't exist anywhere in reality except in our mind. However, most of us wrongly believe that black and white exist out there on the bodies, identical to them. Our mind wrongly believes that black and white come from the side of the bodies our mind perceives apart from what was labeled "mine body" or "me". Most of us don't understand that the label "black" or "white" is a product of our mind that is projected onto what is not black or white. Our inborn ignorance makes us experience it as if black and white are actually out there on the bodies, identical to them, and apart from our mind. That unawareness of our own minds' labels are not out there but only in our minds is the greatest ignorance that remains overlooked by 99% of people. Acknowledging these facts of life compels us to dismantle mental constructs of “me” and “them”, "black" or "white" that have fueled unhappiness, racism, conflicts, and wars for centuries. Labels such as “me” and “them” are convenient but not facts about anybody; they only perpetuate division, conflict, and falsehood.

Recognizing the undeniable facts of life that show our sameness and non-dualistic essence and origin compels us to action. The certainty that all living beings are identical in their essence and origin to me and only differ in the mind’s labels compels us to be a part of global positive change. We can no longer contribute to problems that negatively affect any living being or part of the environment that is also us. Every being is no longer “other” but inseparable from “me.” This realization motivates positive change on a global scale. Understanding that every human, animal, or part of the Earth is our responsibility becomes imperative for the survival of all inseparable life everyone is.

In conclusion, the journey into universal truths reveals the profound reality—the sameness of all living beings with the whole conscious universe that produces and lives through all living beings that only differs in labels such as “you”, “me” "black" or "white", or "whatever". By recognizing our shared origin and understanding the scientifically grounded interconnectedness of existence, we pave the way for a more compassionate, harmonious world. Through the lens of non-duality, the distinctions that divide us dissolve, leaving behind a path of collective action and global unity, universal justice equality, prosperity, and world peace. In understanding that there is no permanent, independent self, we discover that the essence of every being is intertwined, creating a shared existence that transcends labels and boundaries.

By seeing the facts of how everyone exists it's obvious that people don't exist the way we experience them and assume they do. Humans exist without unique and independent selves because they are full of everything else and their essence. Experiencing ourselves differently and separately is an illusion we need to recognize if we are to ever find peace and happiness.

A more detailed explanation of how our minds fool us into believing in a different me and you:

The order in which our minds unconsciously create the current experience of ourselves and others as two different selves goes like this.

First, our minds perceive bundles of physical parts (bodies). Second, our minds label them as "me" or "them", "black" or "white" and accept the labels as facts. Our superstitious mind is so fast at accepting its own labels as facts that the next moment we perceive the same bundles of physical parts, we are 100% convinced they are me and them, black or white without our mind's labels. This process happens in less than a second, and we don't recognize that we invented and projected these labels out there onto these bodies and that these labels are not coming from the side of the bodies, but from our mind!

Our mind's labels are meant to be used for convenience's sake, but combined with our unawareness of how everything exists, we invent and make divisions and separations real where there are none. It does not take much intellect to understand that this is the root cause of all human problems and suffering.

So, the next time you perceive yourself and others, keep in mind you and everyone else don't exist the way they appear to you. Their body and mind and your body and mind are without any essence of their own, therefore to see them and experience them as two different selves is contradictory to the facts of how everyone exists. Your own unknowing made this appearance so inaccurate, and all the problems and suffering that come from it.

Throughout much of history, our senses have been misguided, harming ourselves as a result. Therefore, treating Black or White people (and all other races, sexes, orientations, etc) as if they possessed their own selves different from yours is contradictory to how everyone exists. To say we are any less than brothers and sisters is baseless, ungrounded, and illogical as we are all the same. These are the facts of life that cannot be refuted by science or logic.

We challenge you to disprove these facts.

Contest Rules:

If you can provide evidence that a person possessing a self exists, you’ll be the first person in the world to do so.

A person possessing a self must be:

1. Singular entity (no parts or halves)

2. Able to self-produce (not produced or caused)

3. Not needing the name/label of "person" to exist as a person

If you can demonstrate that all 3 points are true about any person, you’ll be the first person in the world to do so.

As a prize, with your agreement, we will publish an article on our website and social media outlets about you and how you have accomplished this task.

For further investigation please try this Mind Detox free IOS app, or Peace Booster Android app, and have fun. Vast Self reserves the right to terminate this contest at any time without notice.

Big thanks to Alexandra Sullivan for her help with this text

VAST SELF is a 501(c)(3) organization. Gifts are deductible to the full extent allowable under IRS regulations.


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