Vast Self’s mission is to improve the lives of humans, animals, and the environment. By sharing the non-dualistic facts of interconnectedness, we aim to make lasting world peace, universal justice, and genuine happiness attainable for everyone—effortlessly and permanently.

The Universal Solution to Human Conflict: Revealing the Illusion of Separation.

The conflict between Israelis and Palestinians and Russians and Ukrainians, like all human conflicts, arises from our unfamiliarity with our identical universal nature and the mistaken belief in the reality of labels.

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Peace Booster iOS APP is in the Beta phase.

We are pleased to announce a release of The Peace Booster an iOS app. This app will change the way people perceive and understand potential and existing conflicts and wars, as it is proven that all wars are wars against ourselves. Additionally, this app helps end racism, hatred, police brutality, climate change, exploitation, sexism, depression, mental illness, and countless other human negativities.

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The Peace Booster App – Reveals What is Hidden from our Senses Causes Unhappiness, Conflict and War.

Most of us believe that conflict and war are natural and unavoidable events in the landscape of the human experience. However, when you use the Peace Booster app, you'll discover a single truth hidden from the human senses that prove all wars are against ourselves.

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إنهاء الحروب بأسهل الطرق - Wisdom Over Wars

يقدم تطبيق الحكمة تغلب الحروب (WOW) طريقة ثورية لحل المشكلات والتي ستضع نهاية دائمة لجميع المشاكل والمعاناة من صنع البشر
يبدو إنه ما في أيّ طريقة لحل المشكلات ممكن تقضي على الحروب اللّي بتصير على الأرض، بس هادا التطبيق ممكن يغيّر كل إشي
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אפליקציה חינמית זו תביא שלום ואחדות לעם הישראלי והפלסטיני Wisdom Over Wars (wow), Now Called The Peace Booster

על ידי שימוש באמצעי פתרון בעיות וחומר מדעי אשר התגלו לאחרונה, אפליקציית Wisdom Over Wars, מוכיחה לעם הישראלי והפלסטיני, וכמו כן גם לעמים אחרים, למה בני אדם חולקים את אותו עצמי ומדוע חושינו לא יכולים לזהות את זה. הסיבה היחידה לבעיות בעולמינו היא חוסר המודעות לעובדה זו.

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Peace Booster App: Restore Inner Peace and End Conflicts.

With this simple free app, we are striving to end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and other wars. The main purpose of this application is to demonstrate that every human beings' sight, smell, touch, and hearing are being deceived. Every human conflict starts because of this deception and unawareness of it.

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