The Russo-Ukrainian War Could End Immediately if This Fact was Revealed to Them.

No traditional way of problem-solving seems to eradicate conflicts on Earth, but the Peace Booster app may change that.

The Peace Booster app demonstrates that our everyday perceptions and experiences of ourselves and others as different and separate from us are fundamentally contradictory to how everyone truly exists. This demonstration is supported by irrefutable and unbiased science and logic derived from the facts of existence. We welcome and challenge you to disprove these facts to win a prize—see details at the end of the article. Irrefutable facts of life reveal that all humans, regardless of appearances, exist selflessly, without a shred of different essence or nature that could set us apart. Yet over 99% of people are unaware of this, continuing to experience duality (me vs. them) which is riddled with endless unhappiness, disappointments, conflict, and wars. This dualistic experience is contrary to our true non-dualistic nature, where unconditional peace and happiness exist without a trace of negativity. This article reveals that the distance between war and peace lies in understanding how we exist, not how we appear to exist to our deceived senses. Our senses fail to perceive this truth due to our ignorance of these facts. However, simple science and logic can correct this misconception, providing an automatic and sure path to peace and happiness for both Ukrainian and Russian people, beyond what they thought possible. By using this app, you can discover what your senses cannot perceive about everyone’s existence and understand why we all share the same essence and origin, making us far more connected than we realize.  

Try The Peace Booster Free Android App To Discover How Easy It Is To End The Russo-Ukrainian War Conflict Or Any Other War, And Why This Is In Everyone’s Best Interest.

How Do People Exist, and Why Are Our Perceptions and Experiences Contradictory to These Facts?

Everyone, regardless of relative appearance, has a valid sense of self. Yet alongside this, we harbor a misconception of the "I" as possessing a unique, independent essence that makes us different and separate from everyone. We believe we’ve always been this self, full of our own nature and essence. But is this fact or fiction? Or is it merely the first step toward a correct understanding of how amazing we truly are? We experience the self as a singular entity, assuming that we have always existed because of our own nature and are clearly full of our own essence. Most people accept this—yet should we? What do facts tell us, and why does everyone benefit from this understanding in ways previously inconceivable.

What Honest Observation Reveals About Ukrainians and Russians.

Let’s establish a logical base for our inquiry: if we believe and experience something about ourselves and others, this belief must be found in reality, apart from our mind’s perceptions. Otherwise, it is merely a wrong belief and not a fact. 

Here is our basis: If we were independent and distinct selves, if we were truly Ukrainians or Russians, we would need to have individual Ukrainian or Russian natures capable of generating us as singular, fully independent entities full of our own Ukrainian or Russian essence.

We couldn’t be generated by the same universal nature, sharing interchangeable parts and an identical essence. Therefore, our inquiry is to determine whether we possess a Ukrainian or Russian self or if we are inherently selfless. If we were individual selves, we should be able to establish whether we exist as the mind, the body, a combination of both, or something separate from either. However, the closer we observe ourselves or others, the more this self we believe in cannot be found. This isn’t just true for ourselves but for all phenomena, revealing something far more profound than our imagination could ever invent. 

So, let’s take a closer look and examine ourselves.

1.Are We Truly Singular Entities? 

Despite what we believe and experience, people who call themselves “Ukrainians” and “Russians” are not singular entities. They have no individual nature capable of producing them, and thus they are not full of their own unique essence without the labels of “Ukrainians” and “Russians” created by the mind. Our bodies and minds are not self-generated standalone entities, rather they’re like puzzles made of countless ever-changing and ever-smaller physical parts and ever-shorter moments of consciousness originating from previous parts and previous conscious moments. Our bodies and minds arose from the universal nature and its countless physical and nonphysical elements. No one possesses an individual nature capable of generating their own Ukrainian or Russian existence that is somehow full of Ukrainian and Russian essence. Therefore, there is absolutely no difference between anybody or anything. Everyone is the total sum of all physical and nonphysical elements, arranged by the same universal nature and its essence and not our own. We are continuations of this universal nature. There is no difference between anyone and the universal nature that produced us and lives through us.

2. Is the Body a Singular, Permanent You?

Human DNA and bodies aren't a singular, unchanging entity. They are a mix of countless atoms constantly in motion—like a dance of carbon, nitrogen, calcium, oxygen, phosphorus, hydrogen, adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine, and more. 

Today, your mind calls these elements "my body," "Ukrainian," or "Russian," but they are the same elements that produced the first cells nearly 4 billion years ago. They have been the DNA and bodies of countless other plants, animals, and people since then, long before they were called "me," "them," "Ukrainian," or "Russian." 

They are neither yours nor theirs; they are the continuum of nature, constantly recycling these parts and pursuing life from one form to the next. The shape may change but the essence and origin do not. The body or its parts are not self-generated standalone, unchanging you, Ukrainians or Russians, not without our minds labels of “Ukrainians” or “Russians” and the blind belief in them. Labels are mental constructs; they exist only in the mind and are not part of the physical form.

3. Is the Mind a Singular, Permanent You?

The mind is not a fixed, unchanging entity, but more like a perpetually unfolding stream of consciousness moving from one moment to the next. Each moment of perception, feeling, and thought is a product of an infinite number of ever-shorter moments, forming a continuous flow of consciousness. Each moment of perception, feeling, and thought is part of an infinite series of ever-shorter moments, forming a continuous flow, where no moment could exist without the prior. No moment of consciousness can generate itself out of nothing or be out of sync with the previous moment, go backward instead of forward, or remain unchanged forever. Therefore, the mind—and every moment of it—is not a standalone, unchanging entity. There is no other "you," "Ukrainian," or "Russian" apart from the body and mind. If there were, the body and mind would belong to someone else’s experience. Our experiences, generated by the body and mind complex that we label "me," "Ukrainian," or "Russian," are the only experiences. Without the body and mind, there is no independent "me," "Ukrainian," or "Russian" that exists separately. 

Thus, all people’s minds, whether labeled "me," "them," "Ukrainian," or "Russian," are not standalone, self-generated entities. There are no individual self-generated Ukrainian or Russian minds. What exist are minds that are the continuations of previous moments of consciousness, lacking a distinct essence capable of generating themselves. Each mind is produced by the previous moment, perpetually moving forward. Therefore, everyone's mind shares the same continuous essence originating from the previous moment of the mind without a findable beginning. Of course, the content of the mind may be different, as the continuous flow of thoughts, feelings, and perceptions differs, yet the underlying essence of the mind is identical. Consequently, the body and mind are not singular, self-generated Ukrainian or Russian entities. There is no separate self, soul, Ukrainian, or Russian apart from the body and mind. All humans are inherently identical and therefore selfless. The only differences between people exist in the concepts and labels created by the mind—nothing more.

A Universal Solution to Conflict.

Empowered with the irrefutable and unbiased facts of existence, we could end the Ukrainian-Russian conflict—or any other dispute—immediately. If this one unbiased fact of life, currently unknown to both nations, were revealed, all conflict, negative feelings, and hatred would vanish at once. The facts about how we all exist make ending conflict and war a priority for all, as all wars are ultimately fought against ourselves. This is our escape from the endless pattern of suffering, where the appearance of others is like an illusion—because, in reality, there are no others, only ourselves, our mind labeled as ”others,” “Ukrainian," or “Russian." This offers a universal and impartial solution, understandable to all, powerful enough to tear down the divisions of race, gender, ethnicity, politics, religion, philosophy, status, etc., that seem to cause so many conflicts against ourselves. The correct understanding of how everyone exists instantly unites us with a sense of purpose and fulfillment, it removes fear, and offers peace and unconditional care for all living beings. It is the perfect cure for human problems, as peace, happiness, and prosperity are the best ways to live, and this knowledge makes them possible. 

Please use the Peace Booster Android app and The Peace Booster IOS app to help end all conflicts on Earth, restore inner peace, and bring prosperity beyond what we’ve imagined.

How Do We Recognize the Facts of Existence and Reap the Benefits?

By using our senses, honest observation, common science, and logic, we can recognize the truth of how everything exists. It takes only minutes to understand the facts and see the deceptive nature of our senses that hide the facts from us. We know that if the truth is revealed, it could end the Ukrainian-Russian conflict on the same day, as no one wants to be killing themselves and this is what this war is. Though we wish to reveal this secret on a large scale, we offer the Peace Booster Android and IOS (lite) to all Ukrainian and Russian people. Get the free Android app on **Google Play** and Peace Booster IOS . These apps provide users with the first step toward doubting the accuracy of their senses, leading them to seek the truth. It will help them understand that this truth is the only thing keeping them from true happiness, and that true peace comes when this truth is known to all.

We Challenge You to Disprove the Facts in the App.

Contest Rules:

If you can provide evidence that a person possessing their own self exists, you’ll be the first in the world to do so. A person possessing a self must be:

1. A singular being.

2. Self-generated.

3. Able to exist as a person without your mind’s label of "person."

If you can demonstrate all three points about any person, you’ll be the first to do so.

As for a prize, with your agreement, we will publish an article on our website and social media about you and how you accomplished this task. Vast Self reserves the right to terminate this contest at any time without notice.

Please try our free Peace Booster Android and IOS Apps for further clarification of how easy it is to end conflicts and wars with the truth of how everyone exists.

Also available from Vast Self is the MIND DETOX IOS app that can end Police brutality, race and hate conflicts, and countless other global and personal issues. Try MIND DETOX IOS app.

Big Thanks to the editor: Alexandra Sullivan.


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