Heroes in Blue – Finding Ways to Assist the Police Officers Who Risk Their Lives Every Day.

If you can please help us send this letter to every police station in the USA. Please let us know and we will set you up with what is needed for the task.


It is with great honor and respect that we write to you. For quite some time, our charity has been searching for ways to assist the police officers who risk their lives every day so the rest of us can feel safe. We believe our heroes in blue deserve to feel as free of stress as possible while doing their difficult, dangerous, self-sacrificing work. It is with great pleasure that we announce that the search was fruitful, and we hope you will be interested in trying it out alongside the civilian population.

Our search culminated in the development of a free iOS app that we would like to share with you. The app uses a long-overlooked and often misunderstood facts of how everything exists. The validity of these facts cannot be disproven through science or logic because it is 100% accurate. Due to its universality, we believe it can be used by all people regardless of gender, religion, ethnicity, or personal beliefs.

This discovery proves that over 98% of people's senses (all 5 of them) can't perceive correctly how everything exists.

This inability to experience how everything exists correctly is the root cause of all human-made problems, conflicts and suffering—without exception. It lies at the heart of all misunderstandings, conflicts, negative emotions, fear, stress, harmful behavior, and violence. Doing police work without being aware of this truth puts every police officer at massive risk and only serves to make the mission of law enforcement more stressful and arduous.

The app allows users to test their senses and draw new conclusions that will forever change the way they both perceive and treat themselves and others. The resulting effect is one of unconditional respect, tolerance, compassion, peacefulness, and much more. Even the simple experience of coming to understand this fact is unforgettable and will lead the user to eventually experience their newfound reality accurately with their own senses.

Thank you for your time in reading this. Please find our apps, Wise Cop and Wise Civilian, on the Apple store.

Big thanks to our editor Daniel de la Vega.