Vast Self’s mission is to improve the lives of humans, animals, and the environment. By sharing the non-dualistic facts of interconnectedness, we aim to make lasting world peace, universal justice, and genuine happiness attainable for everyone—effortlessly and permanently.

The Ongoing Suicide Practices of Israeli and Palestinian People, and How to Stop it.

Israel's actions against Palestinians and vice versa are based on delusion therefore they are suicidal as there is no valid Israeli or Palestinian beyond the labels “Israeli” and “Palestinian”.

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Ending Antisemitism is Easy, But Not the Way Most Think.

By simply analyzing our own senses, we find that valid anti-semitism never existed and It was never caused by prejudice, hated, racism, etc. The true cause for anti-semitism has always been the deception of our senses since the beginning of time.

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Heroes in Blue – Finding Ways to Assist Police Officers Who Risk Their Lives Every Day.

We believe our heroes in blue deserve to feel as free of stress as possible while doing their difficult, dangerous, self-sacrificing work. It is with great pleasure that we announce that the search was fruitful, and we hope you will be interested in trying it out alongside the civilian population.

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The Peace Booster App – Reveals What is Hidden from our Senses Causes Unhappiness, Conflict and War.

Most of us believe that conflict and war are natural and unavoidable events in the landscape of the human experience. However, when you use the Peace Booster app, you'll discover a single truth hidden from the human senses that prove all wars are against ourselves.

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The Unknown and Hidden Risk to all Gun Owners, and What you Should Know to Protect Yourself.

What if the facts of existence clearly showed us that those we label as "others" are not truly separate from us, but instead are ourselves—merely appearing distinct due to the distortions of our senses? 

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إنهاء الحروب بأسهل الطرق - Wisdom Over Wars

يقدم تطبيق الحكمة تغلب الحروب (WOW) طريقة ثورية لحل المشكلات والتي ستضع نهاية دائمة لجميع المشاكل والمعاناة من صنع البشر
يبدو إنه ما في أيّ طريقة لحل المشكلات ممكن تقضي على الحروب اللّي بتصير على الأرض، بس هادا التطبيق ممكن يغيّر كل إشي
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אפליקציה חינמית זו תביא שלום ואחדות לעם הישראלי והפלסטיני Wisdom Over Wars (wow), Now Called The Peace Booster

על ידי שימוש באמצעי פתרון בעיות וחומר מדעי אשר התגלו לאחרונה, אפליקציית Wisdom Over Wars, מוכיחה לעם הישראלי והפלסטיני, וכמו כן גם לעמים אחרים, למה בני אדם חולקים את אותו עצמי ומדוע חושינו לא יכולים לזהות את זה. הסיבה היחידה לבעיות בעולמינו היא חוסר המודעות לעובדה זו.

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Peace Booster App: Restore Inner Peace and End Conflicts.

With this simple free app, we are striving to end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and other wars. The main purpose of this application is to demonstrate that every human beings' sight, smell, touch, and hearing are being deceived. Every human conflict starts because of this deception and unawareness of it.

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Is Animal Farming the Greatest Delusion Hurting Humans?

Ending animal farming is not merely about animal welfare; it is a matter of recognizing the true nature of existence. By embracing selflessness and rejecting false distinctions, we align ourselves with reality and foster compassion, understanding, and unity. Recognizing our oneness with all beings allows us to live in harmony with the universe rather than in opposition to it.

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The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Can End Today Thanks to Undeniable Facts of Life Currently Unknown to 99% of People.

A single fact, unknown to most people regardless of appearances and beliefs, has not been considered when securing peace between Israelis and Palestinians. This unbiased and irrefutable fact concerns all Israeli and Palestinian people because it reveals that how they appear to exist to one another is, in fact, contradictory to how they truly exist.

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One False Belief Creates Every Single Problem in the World.

Nothing in nature exists as a single self-generated entity that may claim to have a unique permanent essence that has always been them, yet humans think otherwise, and thus all types of unhappiness, absence of peace, and disappointments follow them like a shaadow. Isn't time we recognize facts of life that can set us free?

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