What Do Buddhist Mean by Emptiness and Dependent Arising?
What is Emptiness and Dependent Arising?
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What Do Buddhist People Mean by Emptiness and Dependent Arising?
Nāgārjuna's discovery of how everything exists, circa 150-250 AD, maybe the most important scientific discovery to date, though it is a misunderstood and little-known event to most. We hope to change this with our free MIND DETOX IOS. Nāgārjuna's profound insight into how everything exists proves that living beings and things share the same existence, but our ignorance keeps our senses from perceiving this fact correctly. Moreover, he also recognized that this ignorance can be removed from our minds with correct understanding, forever freeing us from all suffering and desire. Nāgārjuna introduced terms such as Emptiness and Dependent-Arising to describe how things exist. Both terms are a bit difficult to understand at first yet are inseparable and signify profound insight into how everything exists to gain total freedom from all suffering.
What is dependent-arising?
The term dependent-arising consists of two equally important levels. The first level describes that the existence of all phenomena depends on other phenomena, which also exist because of previous phenomena. The second level states that all phenomena are dependent on our mind's conceptualization. For example, once we give a name to a phenomenon, which exists as dependent-arising, it now exists to us conventionally (in concepts) with whatever name we just gave to it.
What is Emptiness?
Emptiness is the fact that all phenomena exist without inherent essence. Inherent existence is the absence of individual essence (self) because everything is dependent-arising.
Are you confused yet?
If this is your first time reading this or if you have been living with the awareness of Dependent-arising and Emptiness, Wise Civilian and Wise Cop the app will be useful and help you develop a solid understanding of how everything exists. We believe that through the truth, you will attain neverending wisdom, compassion, peace, and freedom.
Try this free app and see it for yourself what Buddhist Emptiness and Dependent Arising is like.
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