The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Can End Today Thanks to Undeniable Facts of Life Currently Unknown to 99% of People.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict can end today thanks to undeniable facts of life currently unknown to 99% of people.

A single fact, unknown to most people regardless of appearances and beliefs, has not been considered when securing peace between Israelis and Palestinians. This unbiased and irrefutable fact concerns all Israeli and Palestinian people because it reveals that how they appear to exist to one another is, in fact, contradictory to how they truly exist. This fact is the key to ending all human conflicts instantly, leaving everyone equally satisfied with the outcome. We would like to demonstrate to Israeli and Palestinian authorities, and their people, that the ongoing conflict is caused and perpetuated by deceived human senses that experience reality in terms of “me vs. them”—which is contrary to the facts of existence, though most are unaware of it.

We have created a video that presents unbiased truths about life, proving that the victim and victimizer are not two separate entities as our senses, experiences, and beliefs tell us. The video explains how even the healthiest human senses are entirely mistaken when perceiving individuals as distinct and separate entities from the observer. Regardless of superficial differences like height or skin tone, everyone has a valid sense of self. Yet, we mistakenly believe that we possess a unique, independent self that makes us distinct from others who also seem to have unique selves. We think we have always been this self, whether Israeli or Palestinian, full of our own national essence. But is this belief fact or fiction? Did you ever check for yourself? We experience the self as a singular entity, assuming that we have always existed this way because of our inherent nature. Most people accept this idea, but this is where the problem lies—because the facts of existence don’t lie, and they offer us benefits previously unimaginable.

Why Are Israelis and Palestinians Not Two Entities?

Let’s begin by establishing a logical foundation: if we believe and experience Israelis and Palestinians as two different and separate entities, this belief and the validity of the experience must be found in reality, independent of our minds’ ideas. Otherwise, these notions are merely misconceptions, akin to illusions.

Here’s our basis: If every human were an independent and distinct self, if we were truly Israelis or Palestinians, we would need to have different inherent natures capable of generating us as singular, fully independent entities, complete with our own national essence. However, if we were generated by the same external nature and composed of the same interchangeable parts, we would be identical entities without any trace of different nature or essence. Therefore, our inquiry is to determine whether we possess an Israeli or Palestinian self, or if we are inherently identical in essence and therefore selfless. If we were individual selves, we could only exist in one of four ways: as the mind, the body, a combination of both, or as something separate from either. The closer we examine ourselves and others, setting aside our preconceived ideas, the clearer this should become.

Is There Such a Thing as One Israeli or Palestinian?

Our bodies and minds are not single, standalone entities—they are composed of an infinite number of ever-smaller physical parts, none of which can be truly singular. Our minds are not fixed, unchanging entities, but rather like an unfolding process, moving from one moment to the next. Each moment of perception, feeling, and thought is a product of an infinite number of ever-shorter moments, forming a continuous flow of consciousness. No moment of the mind is static, and no physical body or any part of it is one entity that can remain unchanged forever. So, despite what we believe and experience, people who call themselves “Israelis” or “Palestinians” are not singular entities. If we are not singular, it is illogical to treat each other as such. If there is not such a thing as one person, there can’t be a second, third, etc. What is not a singular entity must be a product of external factors, not its own independent essence, which brings us to the second point.

Do We Have Independent Nature that Generates Us?

Obviously not. If we did, our bodies and minds would consist of a permanent self and not a mix of countless atoms—carbon, nitrogen, calcium, oxygen, phosphorus, hydrogen, and so on. And our minds would be made of permanent selfhood and not a series of fleeting moments of perception, feeling, thoughts, etc. There is no separate "you," "Israeli," or "Palestinian" entity apart from the body and mind. If there were, the body and mind would belong to someone else’s experience. No one can claim to experience themselves apart from their body and mind or to have produced and assembled the countless atoms of their body or moments of their conscious mind. Such a claim would be absurd. The truth is, our bodies and minds arise from the universal nature and its countless physical and nonphysical elements. No one possesses an individual Israeli or Palestinian nature capable of generating an independent existence full of unique Israeli or Palestinian essence.

Therefore, there is absolutely no difference between anybody or anything because there is no difference between the producer (the cause) and the produced (effect). The universal nature that produced us lives through us. We are all continuations of the same universal nature. Today, our minds label these elements “my body,” “Israeli,” or “Palestinian,” but these elements are the same that produced the first cells nearly 4 billion years ago. These cells have formed the DNA and bodies of countless other plants, animals, and people since then—long before they were called "me," "them," "Israeli," or "Palestinian." This brings us to the third point, the role of our mind’s labels and our belief in them.

What Role Do Labels Play in Creating the Illusion of Separation?

Labels are mental constructs; they exist only in the mind and are not part of the physical form. Yet, most people misunderstand this. As we acknowledged earlier, neither the body nor mind is a singular, unchanging entity—whether Israeli, Palestinian, or otherwise—even after our minds invent and believe in labels like “Israeli” or “Palestinian.” These concepts exist solely in our minds and nowhere else. The physical bodies are real and selfless, but they are not Israelis or Palestinians, even if we label them as such and believe it is true. Unfortunately, our ignorance of how everyone exists is so strong that we not only believe in these labels but also automatically treat bodies as Israeli or Palestinian solely because we label them this way—not because they truly are. This ignorance is the root cause of insecurities, fear, greed, hatred, suffering, and the endless dissatisfaction that follows us like a shadow. We fabricate these divisions in our minds, which lead to countless problems and suffering. The only differences between people exist in the concepts and labels created by the mind—nothing more. All conflict and war between those who believe they are Israeli or Palestinian is, in truth, a conflict against oneself.

This fact has never been known to most people before, and without it, lasting peace was never possible. Once both Israeli and Palestinian authorities, as well as their people, recognize that their senses have been deceived, all current reasons for conflict, all grievances, hatred, fear, and doubts will become irrelevant.

How Do Israeli and Palestinian Persons Exist?

Each person exists without a self because people are not self-generated entities. Everyone lacks an independent and distinct nature that could generate them. Instead, we are all products of the same universal nature and its countless physical and nonphysical parts. There is no difference between anybody or anything because there is no distinction between the producer (the cause) and the produced (effect). The universal nature that created us lives through us. We are all continuations of this universal nature—we *are* the nature itself. All differences exist solely in the mind’s labels. Today, our minds call these elements “my body,” “Israeli,” or “Palestinian,” but the bodies can never truly be these labels because labels don’t arise from the bodies themselves. Names and labels are social conventions, projected onto selfless existence.

The Power of Truth Can End Any Conflict Instantly.

We know that the correct understanding of life’s facts can instantly remove the root cause of ignorance that creates the illusion of separation, fear, hatred, and war. We are certain that Israeli and Palestinian authorities, as well as the people themselves, will recognize that the current conflict is a delusion of grandeur, as it is a conflict against oneself, where the victim and victimizer are not two separate selves—they are one and the same. Ending the conflict within oneself is the only reasonable solution. We are also hopeful that the peace-loving Israeli and Palestinian people will serve as examples to the rest of humanity, helping other nations and states end all human conflicts.

Please try our free apps that explain and guide you to a full and correct understanding of how everyone exists:

The Peace Booster Android App and Peace Booster IOS App.

All Humans exist selflessly because we are not singular self-produced entities full of our own unique essence. Instead, everyone lacks an individual nature that can generate them as unique. Therefore, Israeli and Palestinian people are identically selfless, and thus any conflict is a conflict against oneself. 


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