Would You Trust Hallucinating People?
The root cause of all problems is this illusion of separation and our ignorance of it. All our problems and suffering exist because of this illusion.
How everything appears to exist is opposite to how it actually exists.
Our whole lives, we have been living with a sense of separation—there has always been a sense of "me" and "you," entirely separate from each other. Day and night, we experience this separation, and we never question how real it is. This means we must have accepted all current appearances of an independent "me" and independent "others" as real. When there is "me" and there is "another," there is always the potential for problems, fear, suffering, and even war.
But what if we could examine whether our perceptions and experiences of "me" and "them" are actually valid? What if they were only an illusion created by our forgetfulness of how everything exists and by the labels our minds believe in? What if we could recognize that we’re creating this illusion of separation, and that this hallucination is a temporary delusion, full of pain and disappointment? What if we could demonstrate to ourselves that we and the world are the same entity, and that all our problems could be erased forever? Would you want to know?
For too long, we’ve been listening to teachers, politicians, and other authorities who are unaware they are hallucinating separate selves. So, why should we believe them? It’s like the blind leading the blind. We must elect and trust people who truly understand how everything exists into positions of power—otherwise, no meaningful or positive change will ever come.
Knowing how everything exists brings inner peace and harmony.
Today, we can prove that the sense of separation we experience daily is a complete fabrication created by our minds. Vast Self Corp can assist anyone in discovering the truth behind the appearances of "me" and "them," and help us go beyond our mind’s deceptions. We can show you that how all things appear to exist is utterly opposite to how they actually exist, and that not knowing this is the root cause of all problems, suffering, and conflicts since the beginning of time.
All phenomena appear to us as if they possess their own independent existence, distinct from our own. We assume they must exist this way because of some inherent essence—a fixed “self” that has always belonged to them. While this perception feels natural and universal, it is, in fact, a misconception. It runs completely counter to how things actually exist.
This belief in independent existence is a mental fabrication. The appearance of a separate, self-contained identity—something that seems to exist “out there”—arises from our forgetfulness of the true nature of reality and from the labels we cling to so strongly. No object, no living being, possesses an individual nature capable of bringing itself into existence. Instead, everything and everyone is an expression of the same underlying universal nature.
This universal nature is both the producer and the manifestation—a dynamic, ever-unfolding reality with infinite potential for expression. What we call “differences” between people—such as skin color, facial features, language, or culture—are not inherent traits or personal possessions. These differences don’t belong to any individual; they are simply the universe exploring and expressing its limitless potential through countless forms. They are nothing more than fleeting ripples on the surface of an infinite ocean, brief moments in the continuous unfolding of existence.
We do not create or own these traits; they are the universe momentarily appearing as “us” and “them,” shaped by the labels our minds impose. From the tiniest particle of an atom to the vastness of the cosmos, nothing exists independently or in isolation. Everything is interwoven with everything else, empty of a separate self. In this profound interconnectedness, all things are selfless and ultimately identical in essence.
The good news is that this self-induced hallucination can be reversed and undone, and our true nature, which is permanent peace and bliss, will be ours forever.
Why should we care to reverse this hallucination?
The root cause of all problems is this illusion of separation and our ignorance of it. All our problems and suffering exist because of this illusion. Simply being aware of it brings a bit of peace and happiness, and it prevents us from causing further harm to ourselves. Additionally, when we recognize that these appearances of separation are false, we will understand how this single ignorance has caused so much misery for ourselves and others. Recognizing how everything exists allows us to live in total harmony and peace, no matter the situation.
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