All Wars & Unhappiness Could Have Been Avoided if One Fact Was Taught in Schools.

What We Learn in Homes and Schools Perpetuates a Wrong View of Everything.

The current educational system, while teaching various concepts and facts about the world, falls short in addressing one crucial question: How do all things, including ourselves, exist? It is undeniable that phenomena—whether they are living beings or objects—exist, but the question remains: How do they exist? Does the way we perceive and experience the world reflect the true nature of reality, or are we operating under misconceptions?

So far, education largely revolves around teaching students to identify and label phenomena—concepts like “me,” “you,” and “they” shape and dominate our thinking from an early age. Yet, nothing in the curriculum deals with the question ofhow everyone and everything truly exists. This omission is not merely an academic oversight; it is the root cause of nearly all personal and global problems, including injustice, crime, greed, and wars. Failing to understand how things exist creates an environment where false beliefs flourish, leading to division, competition, and suffering.

The Consequences of Not Knowing How Everything Exists.

By not teaching how things exist, schools unknowingly perpetuate a distorted worldview. They reinforce the inaccurate belief that all living beings and phenomena exist independently, as distinct entities. This misconception—that the way things appear to us is how they truly exist—could not be further from the truth. The belief in separate, self-sustainingbeings is a delusion created by our minds, and this false view underlies many of the world’s most pressing issues.

When we fail to see the interconnected nature of existence, we sow the seeds of fear, competition, conflict, and division. The world we live in today—fraught with inequality, exploitation, and violence—can be traced back to this fundamental misunderstanding. By not knowing how everything exists, we unintentionally perpetuate a worldview that leads to suffering on both personal and global scales.

How Everything Exists Is the Opposite of How It Appears.

For something to truly exist as a distinct, independent being, it must meet three criteria: 

1. It must be singular, existing on its own without reliance on anything else. 

2. It must be self-generated, produced by its own inner nature rather than external factors. 

3. It must exist independently of our mental labels and concepts.

However, none of these criteria are met by any living being or phenomenon. Nothing in the universe exists as a singular, self-sufficient entity. Instead, everything is the product of countless interconnected processes and conditions of the universal nature. Every object, person, and living being is interdependent, arising from and shaped by external phenomena. Yet, our minds—and by extension, our educational systems—teach us the opposite, encouraging the belief that things exist independently and separately from one another.

In truth, every living being and phenomenon is the result of universal nature, shaped by an intricate web of physical and nonphysical elements and processes. No one possesses their now inner nature that is capable of generating our own existence. For example, the atoms that come together to form the DNA of fruits, vegetables, humans, and animals, and later facilitate the development of their bodies, as well as the trees and algae that produce the oxygen they breathe, all originate from the same fundamental elements—carbon, nitrogen, calcium—formed billions of years ago. These countless atoms, directed by the same universal nature, work together like a symphony to produce everything in the natural world. These elements are continually recycled, passing through various forms and contributing to the ever-evolving diversity of life and matter. No object or being possesses any individuality different from the universal one, no one stands alone; everything is a byproduct of this ongoing cycle of interdependence. The boundaries we perceive between "me" and "you," or between "us" and "them," are constructs of our minds and only exist in the mind. The universe that created everything lives through all forms without separation. The universe and its nature (the cause) and (the product) humans, animals, and the rest of the phenomena, are one and the same perpetually unfolding event. The labels may change but the essence remains identical in everything.

This interconnectedness extends to the conscious mind. It is not a singular or isolated entity but a stream of awareness, continually unfolding from moment to moment. And like all other phenomena, each moment of consciousness is not a distinct, self-contained unit but is composed of an infinite sequence of smaller moments, each emerging from the one before it. The same universal nature that gives rise to physical phenomena also gives rise to human consciousness, animals, and all forms of life. The differences we perceive among these entities exist only in the labels we assign to them; the divisions themselves are mental constructs with no basis in reality.

We are taught from an early age to believe in these divisions as if they truly exist beyond our mental concepts. Yet, this belief only reinforces the illusion of separateness, preventing us from seeing the seamless interconnectedness that underlies all existence. What we call “differences” between people—such as skin color, facial features, language, or culture—are not inherent traits or personal possessions. These differences don’t belong to any individual; they are simply the universe exploring and expressing its limitless potential through countless forms. They are nothing more than fleeting ripples on the surface of an infinite ocean, brief moments in the continuous unfolding of existence.

We do not create or own these traits; they are the universe momentarily appearing as “us” and “them,” shaped by the labels our minds impose. From the tiniest particle of an atom to the vastness of the cosmos, nothing exists independently or in isolation. Everything is interwoven with everything else, empty of a separate self. In this profound interconnectedness, all things are selfless and ultimately identical in essence.

The Role of Labels in Distorting Reality.

Since there is no inherent difference between any individual or thing and the universe itself, our minds create concepts and labels to help us navigate the world. These labels—“human,” “animal,” “immigrant,” “native”—are useful for practical purposes, but they are not rooted in reality. Labels do not come from the side of the phenomena themselves; they originate in our minds. Despite this, nearly everyone believes that labels are inherent to the objects and beings they describe. This is a misunderstanding and ignorance perpetuated by the current educational system, which fails to teach us how things really exist.

All phenomena, including living beings, are not singular entities and do not possess a singular, self-contained nature that is capable of generating itself. They are all a continuum of everything that existed before, composites, dependent on countless factors for their existence. These factors include external conditions as well as the mind that conceptualizes and labels them. Everything that exists is identical in essence and only gains conceptual differences in labels our minds believe in. Yet, our education encourages us to believe that things exist as distinct, self-sufficient entities regardless of our mind's belief in conceptual designations.

The Harm of False Beliefs.

The failure of the educational system to teach how things truly exist has far-reaching consequences. By maintaining the illusion that we exist as separate, independent selves, we unknowingly perpetuate division, competition, and fear. This false belief is the root cause of much of the world’s suffering—leading to hatred, racism, greed, and power abuse. In turn, these distortions result in injustice, violence, and war.

When individuals believe they are separate from others, they seek to protect themselves and their interests, often at the expense of others. This mindset fosters competition and conflict, which escalates into large-scale divisions between groups, nations, and societies. Our private lives, business practices, government policies, and military actions are all influenced by this misunderstanding. In the end, the suffering we inflict on others is ultimately suffering we inflict on ourselves, as we are all interconnected parts of the same whole.

Isn’t It Time to Teach How Everything Exists in Schools?

The time has come for education to evolve beyond mere concepts and labels. We need to teach future generations the truth about how everything exists. Imagine a world where every child is taught that all beings and phenomena are interconnected, and that there is no true separation between “self” and “other.” Such knowledge would eradicate personal and global problems because it would remove the false beliefs that lead to conflict and suffering.

By introducing a course in schools called *How Everything Exists,* we could forever change the trajectory of humanity. Understanding the true nature of existence would bring an end to war, injustice, and personal suffering. It would foster a world where cooperation, compassion, and understanding replace division and competition. The choice is ours to make.

We invite you to take the first step by trying the free Android app *The Peace Booster*, designed to demonstrate how easy it is to end and prevent wars. By revealing the interconnected nature of all beings, this app offers a clear path to peace and harmony.

A Call for Change.

Our educational system has a tremendous impact on shaping how individuals perceive themselves and the world around them. The knowledge that has been missing—*how things truly exist*—is now within reach. If we are to create a world free from conflict, violence, and suffering, this knowledge must be made available to everyone, starting with our schools.

It is time to teach our children and ourselves that we are not isolated beings, but deeply interconnected parts of a greater whole. When this understanding becomes widespread, all wars, all conflicts, and all forms of suffering will be nothing more than relics of a bygone era, worthy of display only in museums, as reminders of the time when humanity had not yet awakened to the truth of its own existence.

Below find the number of deaths caused by wars that could have been avoided if everyone knew about the true nature of existence.


What Will Change When Science Recognizes The Ultimate Nature of All Things.


All Universal, Worldly and Personal Problems Belong in Museums.