A World Divided by Illusion: The Truth That Could End War Forever.

A World Divided by Illusion: The Truth That Could End War Forever.

Victim and the aggressor are not two, but one and the same.

The Illusion of War: Should the United Nations Stand Up to Delusions?

Imagine two children in a sandbox, arguing over which pile of sand belongs to whom. They build walls with their tiny hands, staking claims over grains of sand that existed long before them and will remain long after. Now, imagine they ask you to buy them guns and missiles to protect what they believe is theirs. Would you even consider it?

Now replace the children with nations and the sandbox with the Earth. This is the absurdity of war. Leaders draw lines on maps and spill blood to defend them, as though these lines were ever real. Russia and Ukraine. Israel and Palestine. Wars, like so many before them, are rooted in the delusion that humanity is divided—that one group’s existence diminishes another’s, that land can belong to anyone, that we are anything other than one. Yet, people proudly give their money and their lives to support these illusions. They see nothing wrong with their patriotism, failing to recognize that this is no different from children in a sandbox asking for weapons to eliminate any threat to their sand.

Borders Are Concepts—Not Reality.

Take the war between Russia and Ukraine. A conflict over territory, sovereignty, and power—but what is this “territory”? It’s soil, water, and air, none of which care for the names we give them. A tree in Ukraine doesn’t know it’s Ukrainian. A river crossing a border doesn’t stop flowing because humans declare it separates one nation from another. The land itself is indifferent to our maps.

Yet, leaders cling to these imaginary divisions, sending young men and women to kill and die over illusions. The pain of Ukrainian families losing their homes, the grief of Russian mothers burying their sons—this suffering is real. But the cause? A fantasy of ownership, born from ignorance of the truth: not only do we share the same Earth, the same atoms, the same life force—we are not apart from them. The separation we experience is an illusion. There are no two groups, no two humans. “One” and “two” are concepts invented by our minds. Nowhere in reality do they exist.

Nothing in the universe is a singular, independent entity. No one is a “one-person self.” That idea exists only in the mind’s concept. Everything is interwoven, selfless, and inseparable. Recognizing this is the only way to end war—instantly and forever.

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A War Over Shadows.

Then there is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a tragedy perpetuated by generations of suffering and blame. Both sides claim a divine or historical right to the same land, fighting over a patch of Earth as though it holds their identity. But the truth is, the land belongs to neither. The olive trees and stones of that region existed long before the labels “Israeli” or “Palestinian” were invented, and they will endure long after these labels fade.

The walls—physical, political, and emotional—are barriers to seeing the truth: they are not enemies. They are more than brothers and sisters. They are not even two entities. They are one, born from the same cosmic dust, shaped by the same universe, animated by the same energy. No individual possesses an inner nature that differs from another, everyone is without, thus no one is self-generated. Every characteristic—physical or mental—belongs not to people but to the whole of existence that produces and lives through everyone.

The differences in language, religion, and culture are not causes for division but expressions of the infinite creativity of the universe. Just as waves in the ocean take different shapes but remain water, so too are we expressions of the same indivisible whole.

The Delusion of Leadership.

World leaders—supposedly the wisest among us—act like children in a sandbox, fighting over imaginary divisions while ignoring the truth of existence. Every human being is not a separate, self-made entity but a manifestation of the same infinite universe. Every atom in our bodies is borrowed from the cosmos, forged in ancient stars that died to be reborn as trees, animals, and humans.

No individual produces their existence. Skin tone, eye shape, hair texture—these are not possessions of any individual but temporary expressions of the infinite potential of the universe. The differences we kill and die for are not ours; they are the universe, playing, expressing its infinite creativity.

And yet, wars rage on. Soldiers march, missiles fly, and innocents suffer because leaders cling to the illusion that these differences matter. They redraw maps, dig trenches, and spill blood to defend shadows. We can’t continue treating their delusions as rational arguments for peace. We can’t keep engaging with their insanity as though it is based on reality. It’s time to tell them directly:

You are not well. You believe you are a leader of a people, a defender of a nation, a protector of borders—but none of these things are real, they exist only in your mind. You can’t be what you think, you are life itself, all of it, you are the whole existence, one with the universe. The people who you think are your enemies are you too. You are everyone.

You are suffering from a delusion, and it is costing lives. You need a vacation from the illusion of duality you have invented so you can see the absurdity of it and laugh at yourself. Then, and only then, can you rejoin the well and free people of the world.

The Truth That Ends All Wars.

Here’s the undeniable truth: from the smallest particle of an atom to the vastness of the stars, nothing exists independently. Nothing is a unique or permanently singular entity or possesses an inner nature that can generate and sustain itself. Everything exists because of everything else, thus everything is connected, selfless, and identical in essence.

The land we fight over, the identities we cling to—these are fleeting ripples in an infinite ocean of existence. They do not belong to anyone. They were never ours to begin with because our beings are extensions of it.

The real tragedy of war is not just the loss of life but the blindness of humanity to its own unity. Instead of fighting over imaginary fences, we could be building a world where all people thrive as one. Imagine the infinite possibilities of a united world—where each life, instead of being cut short by war, is allowed to flourish, to develop its unique skills, to contribute to the whole.

A New Path Forward: A Call to the United Nations.

The realization that the victim and the aggressor created by illusory wars are one and the same does not lead to mere negotiation—it leads to the complete dissolution of the illusion that starts and fuels conflict. When this illusion is recognized, it falls away, and peace is no longer an ideal but an inevitability—a necessity universally desired and made a reality by everyone.

We believe that people who are at war with each other, like the Israelis and Palestinians and Ukrainians and Russians, can lead the world by example. By embracing these truths, they can end not only their own conflict but inspire other nations to do the same. The peace we seek has always been possible—it has only been hidden by mistaken beliefs.

The truth revealed here and in our DVD is more than a tool—it is an awakening. It is a guide for individuals at war, or those considering conflict, to see that all actions against others are actions against oneself. With true understanding, the desire for war dissolves, and the path to harmony becomes clear.

We continue to communicate this truth to the United Nations, hoping they will acknowledge the facts that could eliminate conflict forever. But so far, no one has responded to our letters or the DVD explaining this fundamental truth.

If you know how to help us reach them, if you see the urgency of this message, please join us. The world is waiting. The time is now.

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The End of Anxiety: How Seeing Through the Illusion of Separation Frees Us.