Recognizing how Everything Exists Reveals Universal Solutions to all Human and Animal Problems and Suffering.
How Does Selflessness Exist?
Look around & see that selflessness has always been here, you just never acknowledged it.
Introduction to the facts of existence that shape our experience
Our accustomed perception and experience of ourselves and others as different and separate entities are deeply ingrained, unquestioned, and reinforced by most institutions designed to make us feel safe and happy. Yet, certain unbiased and irrefutable facts about ourselves and others, which contradict our ordinary experiences of "me vs. them," remain overlooked and ignored. These facts, if recognized correctly, reveal the inherent sameness of everyone and everything, proving that our current dualistic perception and experience of multiplicity are illusory and the root cause of all unhappiness, dissatisfaction, anxiety, conflict, and war. Simple exercises designed to recognize the unbiased facts of existence can correct our inaccurate experience of duality by dismantling the inborn ignorance around it. The correct understanding of how everything exists paves the way to world peace and unconditional happiness and prosperity, previously unimaginable and unachievable.
What science and logic-backed facts about the nature of existence reveal.
Everyone of us is currently convinced we are different and separate from everyone else, but If each person truly possessed their own unique self, this self would have to be one entity with an individual nature that generated it. However, factually, a person is not one entity (body and mind are not one thing and are constantly changing), and each physical and non-physical aspect is without any independent nature capable of producing itself. What our mind calls "one person" or "me" is actually a product of the same universal nature and its countless physical and nonphysical elements that produced everyone else. Each part of "me," and the whole collection of them, is not one entity, as every particle is composed of an infinite number of ever-smaller parts, where each of them is also made up of an infinite number of ever-smaller particles. The whole body and its infinite number of parts lack any independent nature that could generate them. Instead, everyone and every part, no matter how small, is a product of the same external universal nature and its essence. Thus, no one is different from anybody else, as everyone is full of the same universal nature and not of their own.
Our mind is no exception. The mind is the non-physical aspect shared by all living beings. The mind is not one thing but more like a perpetually unfolding conscious event, where each moment of consciousness is not one permanent moment because each moment is composed of an infinite number of ever-shorter moments, and each of them is also made up of an infinite number of ever-shorter moments. Each moment, regardless of its length, is a product of the preceding moment, forming a continuous flow of ever changing events. This realization challenges the common belief in a standalone permanent person or an unchanging soul, as there is no separate owner apart from the ever-changing body and mind. If there were one unchanging soul or "me," the body and conscious experiences of the mind would belong to someone else and would be experienced exclusively by somebody else and not me. Of course, this is not how everyone experiences themselves, thus proving that many beliefs we have accepted as true are nonfactual, unscientific, and illogical. They're based on a fantasy of our mind’s wishful thinking that seeks separate existence that is permanent in a universe that is without these qualities. Even the apparent relative disparities that at first glance appear to divide us skin tone, eye color, and the shapes of our cheekbones or noses—are nothing more than fleeting ripples in an infinite ocean of unfolding existence. We do not produce or possess these traits; they are the universe, they belong to the whole of existence and only momentarily express itself through countless shapes and colors our minds label "us" or "them". The so-called differences are merely expressions of an infinite potential of the whole universe to produce countless bodies to experience its own infinity.
Facts vs. fiction and their consequences.
Therefore, our current experience of ourselves and others as different and separate individuals, and all the knowledge, ideas, and beliefs it produces, are 100% contradictory to the facts of life. The unfamiliarity with the facts of existence leads to the illusory and false experience of duality (me vs. others). This, in turn, only leads to fear, belief in scarcity, competition, negative emotions, mental health problems, conflict, suffering, wars, and death. This very limited and inaccurate experience of ourselves as different from everything else is based on our false ideas about how everything exists and our mind's belief in the labels we project on all physical forms (bodies).
This claim can be demonstrated by the fact that what the mind calls "us" is a product of carbon, nitrogen, calcium, oxygen, phosphorus, hydrogen, adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine + mind, and what the mind calls "them" is a product of the same elements, always interchangeable between all forms, thus making us identical to each other and the whole that produced us. Furthermore, what the mind calls "me" and "them" lacks any individual nature capable of self-generating, making us fundamentally identical because of our shared universal nature and origin. The truth is that everyone lacks a different self because no person is one, self-generated entity. Thus, no one exists the way we appear to each other, proving that the prevalent experience of separation (ego) is an illusion—a very painful illusion. Our ungrounded understanding of how everything exists creates the experience of "us versus them," which is the root cause of all unhappiness and misery. Thousands of years of history are a testimony to the destructive nature of our ignorance about existence and the belief in our mind's labeling.
Now, empowered with the facts about how everything exists, we can be certain that our perceptions, experiences, and beliefs are opposite to these facts, and that alone has been the cause of all our unhappiness, dissatisfaction, and suffering. Today, we can begin to reclaim our peace and happiness and bring about worldwide peace and justice previously unimaginable. All we need is to recognize how everything exists, give up our contradictory and false ideas about it, and embrace the fact of life that brings permanent peace and happiness. Each of us exists without any unique essence that is different from the whole universe. We are not different from everything that exists; the entirety of existence is not different from our essence. The moment each of us can see facts as facts and false ideas as false, all conflict, injustice, racism, problems, mental health issues, suffering, and wars can stop today, and any future negativities are inconceivable and have no cause to arise ever again. Use our free IOS Mind Detox App or Peace Booster Android to gain direct insight into these facts of life.
Big thanks to Jiana Sumaita and Hana Shabad for help with the text.