A letter to the President of United States.

We have sent this letter to the President, Vice president of the United States, the United Nations and Governor Newsom. Please use all or parts of it and send it to everyone and anyone whose decisions impact us all. Thank you.

We have sent this letter to the president and Vice president of the United States and the United Nations. Please use all or parts of it and send it to everyone and anyone whose decisions impact us all. Thank you.

Mr. President and to Whom It May Concern.

Please remember that irrefutable and unbiased science and logic prove there are no others but you on the current battlefields of war. Isn’t it time to save yourself?

Dear Mr. President,

On behalf of our nonprofit organization, its board members, and our supporters, we urgently appeal to you to consider the latest scientific and logical evidence, which is impartial and based on the irrefutable facts of existence. These facts offer a new understanding: all wars fought against one another are actually wars against oneself. These simple truths prove that human essence and origin are unmistakably identical, despite physical, sociological, and mental differences. This understanding offers new methods of ending conflicts and wars, bringing world peace, happiness, and prosperity—solutions previously unimaginable—in an instant.

Modern science, especially in fields such as quantum physics, neuroscience, and biology, reveals that all human beings share an identical essence and origin. Humans are inherently selfless beings. We have valid bodies and minds, but we are all products of a universal nature, we all lack individual nature capable of generating us into existence, and yet we mistakenly believe they set us apart. At the quantum level, distinctions between separate entities dissolve—subatomic particles that make up everything in the universe, including our bodies, behave as interconnected elements of a singular whole. Neuroscience shows that the sense of a separate “self” is an illusion generated by cognitive processes. This illusion is compounded by the mind’s habitual creation of labels and names for everything it perceives, which we then mistake for fundamental truths.

The only real difference between human beings lies in these arbitrary names and labels—cultural, national, and racial identifiers—none of which originate from the physical phenomenon itself. Instead, they arise in our minds as mental constructs, and yet we act as if they define us, leading to countless divisions, conflicts, and wars.

Our ignorance of how we truly exist—as interconnected, selfless beings—has caused countless conflicts and wars, without a clear understanding of how to achieve permanent peace on Earth. The belief in individual separateness is a misunderstanding and a conceptual fiction, as no human being exists independently. No human is a singular, self-generated entity with an essence different from anyone else, yet we act and believe otherwise. Everything, including consciousness, arises from previous moments of consciousness and conditions that are shared universally. No human can claim to have generated themselves into existence by their own power or effort, because no human has any individual essence capable of doing so. Science and logic cannot find a self that exists apart from the body and conscious mind; we are a continuum and not separate from the whole of existence. We must stop acting out of such profound ignorance, harming ourselves while believing we are harming others.

When we truly understand this, it becomes clear that wars are not fought against "others," but against ourselves—those whom we have merely labeled as "others." This simple yet profound realization has the power to end all wars by eliminating the illusion of separateness that drives hostility and violence.

The solution to ending wars, therefore, is simple. It lies in recognizing our shared essence and dismantling the false belief in separate selves. By seeing through the illusion of difference, we can eliminate the psychological and cultural barriers that perpetuate hostility and only harm us.

We ask: Why is no one listening to this?

The time has come for leadership that is rooted in the truth of human existence, not in outdated and illogical notions of separateness that continue to fuel division and fear. We urge you to consider these scientific facts and join us in working toward a future where our shared humanity becomes the foundation for true and lasting peace. Ending the Ukrainian-Russian and Israeli-Palestinian wars is possible today, and only you can help make this happen. Please remember that irrefutable and unbiased science and logic prove there are no others but you on the current battlefields of war. Isn’t it time to save yourself? We are here to help and provide you with everything you need to make this happen.

Thank you for your attention and your commitment to bettering our world.


Alek Balos, CEO

Vast Self Nonprofit Organization


The Most Overlooked Brainwashing: How Our Minds Create the Illusion of "Me" and "You" and All the Unhappiness that Follows.


The Universal Solution to Human Conflict: Revealing the Illusion of Separation.