One False Belief Creates Every Single Problem in the World

Q: What is the single belief responsible for all possible problems?

A: The belief that all living beings, me, and objects exist as their own self is the root cause for all problems, adversity, and suffering in the World. To clarify, who can claim to possess their own self? Only a being or an object that is a singular entity and not a composite of something else, and is not requiring a name from our minds. So, only what can exist as partless and causeless has its own self, otherwise, this person is selfless as s/he is full of everything else and their essence. The facts of how everything exists tells us that nothing in nature exists as a self, yet all of us grasp at all things and beings including us as if we did. We assume everyone possesses a self because our senses tell us, and societies reinforce it. We never question our perceptions; that is why our lives are full of all kinds of desires, problems, and sufferings.

Q: Can I change this and how?

A: Yes, anyone can change that because it is so straightforward. It's simple because the correct understanding is already functioning in you and around you. You need to recognize that you had accepted this one false belief, and ever since then, your life can't be anything other than difficult and full of struggle and suffering. You need to clearly understand that you can correct this wrong understanding through a correct understanding of how currently you are experiencing yourself and others is contradictory to facts about everyone. You need to realize that your current mode of perception and understanding is utterly opposite to how you and others exist. You are grasping at everything and yourself as if you had your own self, but you and others don’t exist that way, it’s impossible. No one has ever existed that way. Once you see clearly that your current mode of apprehension is without merit, you began to understand why you were suffering and why there always was suffering and problems in the World. You will also start to experience real compassion and peace for everything and everyone because you'll know with certainty that everything exists selflessly like you. Just try our educational videos, interactive platforms, and apps to see that you have already been a Vast Self, and the world is not other than you too.